Sunday, October 10, 2010


Natural selection around the dune area
Action at the blustery shoreline 
The trough that glimmers with bright sun
Unique worldwide
Recreation and important to protect for future generations
Animals like the Wolf Sand Spider, Tiger Beetle, White-Tailed Deer, and the Eastern Box Turtle
Lots of plants including Beach Pea and Harebells
Foredunes with golden sand that crunches beneath your feet
Eastern Hemlocks on the Forested Dune swaying in the wind
American Goldfinch, Red-Tailed Hawk, Ring- Billed Gull, and Pileated Woodpecker
Thousands of years and succesion to form an environment
U-shaped dunes bountiful with sand
Rhizomes from the Marram Grass on the beach
Evoking a peaceful environment

1 comment:

  1. this is very well done and enjoyed. Rosy mound is a very special place
