Sunday, October 10, 2010

Marram Grass

Characteristics that make Marram Grass well suited for surviving on the beach/foredune:
1.  Already contain rich nutrients in them
2.  Needs direct sunlight
3.  Does not need much water
4.  Fibrous roots for burial in shifting sand
5.  Rhizomes allow the dune to get higher
6.  Tolerates extreme temperatures
7.  Thrives in a windblown environment
A discussion of Marram Grass and its role.....
Marram grass, a pioneer plant, is critical to the stability of the dunes because its fine roots trap (hold) the sand together and the rhizomes allow the dune to get higher as sand piles up around the plant.  Once it has stabilized the soil, it creates an environment no longer suitable for its own species.

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