Sunday, October 10, 2010

Role Of The Great Lakes

Three Ingredients That Are Needed To Form A Sand Dune....
1.  Source of sand
2.  Prevailing winds
3.  Vegetation to trap the moving sand

Components of Lake Michigan sand
1.  Bedrock which eventually broke down with erosion.
2. 87-97% Quartz
3. 1-3% Magnetite
4. 10-11% Feldspar

How The Dunes Are Affected By The Great Lakes
The dunes are affected by the Great Lakes in different ways. Firstly, if the levels of water from the lake change so much, the dunes could erode little by little. Secondly, the winds from the lake push the sand grains making a mound, but over time, forming a sand dune. Thus, the Great Lakes are responsible for the formation of the dunes.

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